Linking to |
Are you a webmaster? We welcome you to link to It's not normally necessary to inform us if you're linking to; however, if you're
planning on linking extensively, it wouldn't hurt to contact us.
IMPORTANT: All linking is subject to our Terms of Service. |
Linking to Our Homepage |
Text links. The simplest way to link to our web site is with
a hypertext link to our home page, e.g. Find a massage anywhere!
To add such a link to your own web page, just copy and paste the following HTML code:
Note, when referring to, please use our official name "", with the M
and A capitalized. Our homepage URL is
Graphic links. You may also use the following graphics on your web site when linking to
To save any of these images for your own use, right-click over the desired image and select "Save Picture As...".
Next, select the complete text in the box below the image (including the unseen portion that will scroll into view as its
selected) with your mouse. Use Ctrl+C to copy the text to your browser's clipboard, and Ctrl+V to paste the text into
your web page. However, you should be sure to change the img URL to match the location on your own web server
where you have saved the image.
Size: 159x56 pixels
Size: 468x60 pixels
Linking to a Provider's Profile |
Individual Provider Links. You may also link to individual provider profiles.
For example, to link to the provider profile for "JohnDoe", you would link using the following URL:
Deep Linking |
Deep Linking. You are also invited to "deep link" to individual pages
within in order to enrich your own website's content, in accordance with the following rules:
- You may link to provider profiles (as shown above) and to page URLs ending in ".asp".
- Linking to or referencing .htm, .html, .gif or .jpg files, or files with an extension other than
".asp" is not permitted.
- Framing and inlining of content within your own content is not permitted.
- Please refer to the Terms of Service for additional restrictions.
If you have questions or need additional assistance, please feel free to contact us. |